M.A.L.F. logo creation

Logo design for the Mid-autunm lantern festival 2013.

Software used: Illustrator

Exhibition “Oil Stain” Poster

A poster created for the Oil Stain vinyl tape installation by Dave Eppley at the at the Oboro Studio in Montreal.

Software used: Illustrator



Poster for the CCSA & ACSC’s course running event.

Software used: Photoshop

Poem Illustration

A collaboration with an artist on HitRecord. Need to come up with a creative illustration to illustrate the poem.

Quote Duotone Portrait

The main focused is to use a duotone to change an image to go with a quote of our choice.

The portrait illustrates very well the quote. I chose to use a child because children can be more creative because of their imagination. The colour orange helps to brighten up the mood of this project. Moreover, the colour signifies a child’s imagination should always be very happy and bright!

XXI Perets Merge

A project to merge 2 brands into one. We had to create a new campaign, logo, advertisement elements, concept and marketing strategy.


Everything had to be created from scratch. We had to plan the budget, publication time, articles, visuals and the magazine as a whole.

The magazine’s content is based on all Montreal related. The title “Urban Colours” is based on the multicultural and the art of Montreal. Continue reading

FunSize Calendar

Yes! Funsized calendar!

This calendar is designed for children. It can be opened 360degree and tied with a ribbon. Each panel has 4 months and featured with cute drawings of children doing activities according to the holidays of those 4 months.

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Tiki & Tiko

A game created in Flash with Action Script 3. The concept is to catch the fruits thrown by Tiki (top monckey). To control, the player must use mouse to move left or right to catch the fruits.

All elements are created from scratch. Continue reading

Sugar Cone Logo

Logo creation for a café called “Sugar Cone”. The concept of this logo is used on the neon lights signs. I had to consider many accepts, such as the making-of the signs with the logo’s characteristic.