Mechanic Drawing – “Marriage”

A drawing of a human body area with a mechanical theme. Most of them people would take a part of the body and draw in mechanical gears and such. But I took this project to the next level. I wanted to make something meaningful. The drawing is quite obvious with 2 hands and a ring that represent that very moment of a wedding ceremony.

I think this action made with both external body parts is a powerful action. Instead of a written or a verbal promise, this act can signify the same thing.

“I was a .PDF”

So you think recycling paper is a way to help our planet?
In a way yes… well, it does helped to reduce tree cutting and less virgin paper consumption; but have you thought of the recycling process? There will be a truck coming to pick up your recycle (CO2 creation), the process in the paper mill (CO2 again) and also using chemical to de-ink the paper. Those inks from FAX machine and photocopier will demand even stronger chemical… And where does all other residue is going to be? In the landfill. Yes. Recycling paper still creates pollution and destroys our planet.

This project is to reveal the environmental impact of paper. There is a pdf version of the document presented on a computer screen along with a printed version to highlight the consumption differences. The printed document reveals the impacts and facts under the black light.
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Do you know which movie is it?

“Have I gone mad?”
“I’m afraid so. You’re entirely bonkers. But I’ll tell you a secret. All the best people are.” – Alice In Wonderland (2009)

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To watch the Korsakow film “Imagine…” click here.

An Obsession with turquoise but imagine…

I personally have an obsession with the colour turquoise. I own a lot of turquoise and different shades of blue things.

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Good morning!

Alpha cereal are letters, why not our toasts too?
Food art is amazing beautiful; we can create anything with food. Sometimes the
food is so nicely placed on the plate that you don’t even want to use your utensils to destroy it.

Want any bacon or a sunshine egg with that? Mmm.
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