
To watch the Korsakow film “Imagine…” click here.

An Obsession with turquoise but imagine…

I personally have an obsession with the colour turquoise. I own a lot of turquoise and different shades of blue things.

This Korsakow film doesn’t have a narrative. It contains 20 square videos of things that have a turquoise colour or things that are in those shades. Each video has its own animation, which is the main idea of the piece. The animation would transform the framed object into something else that looks alike. It’s also similar to when we try to ask ourselves “Imagine… What if this was…”. The viewers are not asked to click on the previews to watch the next video, the film chooses them randomly. However, if the viewer prefers to watch a specific video that is shown in the previews, he or she is free to click on them. Although, the film doesn’t necessarily ask the viewer to engage physically by clicking on the screen, but the video will make the person play the game along the movie. To do so, each video’s animation starts to play in the middle of the duration, which would leave a few seconds for the viewer imagine what the object could be. This Korsakow film could be a fun piece to show to children because it allows them to play with their creativity.