“I was a .PDF”

So you think recycling paper is a way to help our planet?
In a way yes… well, it does helped to reduce tree cutting and less virgin paper consumption; but have you thought of the recycling process? There will be a truck coming to pick up your recycle (CO2 creation), the process in the paper mill (CO2 again) and also using chemical to de-ink the paper. Those inks from FAX machine and photocopier will demand even stronger chemical… And where does all other residue is going to be? In the landfill. Yes. Recycling paper still creates pollution and destroys our planet.

This project is to reveal the environmental impact of paper. There is a pdf version of the document presented on a computer screen along with a printed version to highlight the consumption differences. The printed document reveals the impacts and facts under the black light.

The installation is a recreation of my working desk when creating this project. Other than wasting scrapped paper, reprinting pages because of typos… the amount of electricity and the amount of uv ink wasted come into play.

People might be thinking that I am contradicting my own project but that is my point! Every little action we take, we will destroy the blue planet in some way, even if you are the greenest person on Earth!

So think before taking actions, consume less or use alternative. 😉